A Difficult Game About Climbing

A Difficult Game About Climbing

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A Difficult Game About Climbing

Some actions may seem ridiculous and even meaningless from the first sight, but when you look closer, the hidden meaning of it opens in front of you. A Difficult Game About Climbing features such an objective, where you don’t know what exactly you are trying to achieve until you reach it.

Climb a hard and sophisticated obstacle course, using just a pair of hands and nothing more. As absurd as it sounds, all of the barriers on your way have certain significance, you are about to discover. So, focus on your current aim and move up the mountain steadily, but consistently.

Be careful though, as the cliff is extremely slippery at some points, which disables you from grabbing it. Select only the safest routes and climb relatively dry surfaces and if you suddenly fail, start over again, making your way to the top, challenging yourself all the time.